How to optimise your post-workout recovery - Kendal Mint Co®

How to optimise your post-workout recovery


The faster and more effectively you recover, the sooner you can get back to training hard. Not only this, by recovering more effectively you will also be able to train more effectively and you will get more benefit from doing so. Nutrition can play a big role, alongside sleep, stretching and other aspects. Here's how...

Why is recovery important? 

By implementing a set of processes immediately post-exercise, aids adaptation in muscle fibres, their repair and helps replenish depleted energy stores (often refered to as the Glycogen window) so you're body is in an optimal state for your next workout or performance.

Post workout recovery is key to repair, rebuild and adapt muscle fibres into leaner, faster and stronger muscle; to replenish energy stores and to reduce muscle soreness. If you're fatigued and sore, your performance capacity will decrease. We often neglect our recovery with busy lifestyles, but if you want to go into your next workout or performance in optimal condition, you can break-down your recovery through a nutritional strategy as three simple elements.

  1. Protein - Repair, rebuild & adapt muscle fibres into leaner, faster & stronger muscle by reducing muscle protein breakdown and promoting muscle protein synthesis.
  2. Glycogen - Often referred to as the "Glycogen window". Glycogen is like the reserve fuel, stored in our muscles and liver used during exercise. Rebuilding these stores reduces fatigue and increases available energy in your next workout or performance.
  3. Fluids & Electrolytes - Rehydrate and replace lost electrolytes lost through sweating, these minerals are key to maintaining bodily functions and regulating fluid balance.

1. Protein

Protein is broken down into Amino Acids by the body, which play an important role in repairing and rebuilding your muscles into leaner, faster and stronger muscles.

Most importantly, your body does not store protein the same way it does carbohydrate (in the form of glycogen). So it's important that we incorporate protein into each meal and snack of the day, even more so if you're exercising regularly. This is why when training hard, taking supplements such as Protein Recovery shakes can really make a difference. Protein is fundamental to:

  • Aiding in the repair of exercise-induced damage to muscle fibers.
  • Promoting training-induced adaptations in muscle fibers (e.g., synthesis of new proteins that are involved in energy production and/or force generation).
  • Facilitating the replenishment of depleted energy stores.

How much Protein? 

As part of your everyday diet, it is recommended you have 0.8 grams of Protein per kilogram of body weight (0.36 grams per pound). However, the right amount of Protein really depends on your activity, age, muscle mass and your goals whether they be building bigger muscles, or leaner muscles.

Proteins are actually the main building blocks of most of your body. Muscles, Tendons, Organs, Skin, Enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters the list goes on. They are made from smaller molecules called Amino Acids which form a chain and are "folded" into complex shapes. Your body produces many of these whilst other Essential Amino Acids come from your diet. So the question is less about "How much Protein?" but more "How can I get my essential Amino Acids from my diet"?

Protein such as meat, fish, eggs or dairy, is great at doing this as part of your diet. Other lifestyles which avoid animal proteins may require a different approach which you can read more about here.

However, you can help supplement this Essential Amino Acid profile using Whey Proteins and that's where Recovery shakes such as KMC PRO MIX come in. 

2. Glycogen "Energy" stores

The first 30 minutes after a workout can be key to your dietary recovery, often referred to as the glycogen window. After you've worked hard you need to get the right fuel in the right time frame to optimise your recovery ready for your next performance. Once you've exhausted your muscles after a workout you can be left feeling drained the next day.

The glycogen window is the short period of time after a workout or performance where your muscles can most effectively receive the nutrients they need to rebuild energy stores. Once this 30 minutes or so have passed without eating, blood flow to the muscles starts to decrease and getting calories to those muscles becomes more slow. You'll often feel fatigued and tired the next day if this happens. Eating correctly and withing this window is very important. 

Glycogen is stored carbohydrate "Energy" in our liver and muscles, as a sort of reserve fuel source which is used when we exercise. The more you exercise and harder you train, the more this source gets used up. Regular training increases your muscle and liver capacity to store glycogen, which allows you to extend and improve performance! Replenishing these stores helps to develop stronger and more efficient muscle.

3. Replace lost fluids and electrolytes

When we exercise, we sweat, which ultimately means are body is losing fluids. Water composes more than half the human body and is essential in the function of our cells. Temperature maintenance and circulation are but a few vital processes dependent on this important fluid. Thus, an appropriate fluid balance is important to our health and well-being.

However, if you're just drinking water you'll likely find that your body does not retain it all and sends most of it straight back down the toilet in urine. That's where Electrolytes come in. They help regulate the fluids within the body but also play many other key roles. 

Electrolytes are chemicals that conduct electricity when mixed with water. They regulate nerve and muscle function, hydrate the body, balance blood acidity and pressure, and help rebuild damaged tissue. The muscles and neurons are sometimes referred to as the "electric tissues" of the body. They rely on the movement of electrolytes through the fluid inside, outside, or between cells.

For example, a muscle needs calcium, sodium, and potassium to contract. When these substances become imbalanced, it can lead to either muscle weakness or excessive contraction. The heart, muscle, and nerve cells use electrolytes to carry electrical impulses to other cells.

How does KMC PRO MIX help optimise your recovery... 

KMC PRO MIX Provides you with a great tasting, well-rounded solution to help you train hard and Recover Faster as well as:

  1. 21g of Premium Whey Protein Concentrate per serve. To help Repair, Rebuild & Adapt muscle fibres into Leaner, Faster & Stronger Muscle. It also helps facilitate the replenishment of depleted energy stores.
  2. Our Dual-Charge Carbohydrate formula. To rapidly replenish depleted energy stores and help synthesise Proteins to optimise your recovery. You can read more about our Dual-Charge" Formula here.
  3. Quality You Can Trust - All of our Recovery Products take a World Class approach to testing for banned substances and quality. You can find our more here.
  4. It's also Gluten Free, Suitable For Vegetarians and Easy to Digest.

    MOST IMPORTANTLY - IT'S 100% RECYCLABLE! That's right! All of the Protein, without the extra baggage.

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How to optimise your post-workout recovery