Race Nutrition Pt.1 - Fueling right starts the day before - Kendal Mint Co®

Race Nutrition Pt.1 - Fueling right starts the day before

Kendal Mint Co® Race Nutrition Pt.1 - Fueling right starts the day before
Actually, fueling right starts during training and finding the fuel that works best for you! It's important to begin fueling right the day before as this can
have a huge impact on your performance, especially if you're race starts first thing in the morning... We've put together our top 5 simple tips for fueling your race starting the day before.

1. Little and often...

 You're probably familiar with the term "Carb-loading". Which is important especially if you're racing for longer than 90 minutes. You want to build up your muscle Glycogen levels, so eating little & often ensures you maintain full energy stores throughout the day. The key is to play it safe, stick to what you know, simple and easy to digest foods.

Remember, race day isn't about the weight-loss which you've likely achieved during training. You want to arrive at your even fully fueled for optimal performance.

2. Hydrate well

Top tip: You can measure how well hydrated you are from the colour of your urine! You should aim for a light straw colour and if you're passing fluids fast, increase your electrolytes intake. Read more about electrolytes and follow our urine chart here.
By staying well hydrated throughout the day it means you have less to worry about the next morning, it's easy to become dehydrated over night.  

You can top up your electrolytes using KMC ISO MIX here.

3. Things to avoid

 Stay clear of any new or risky foods, particularly spiced. It's also a good idea to avoid too much fibre. Excess fibre can slow down your digestive system and affect your performance.

4. Get a good nights rest 

Not necessarily food related but you can't beat a quality night of rest before a race. Try to manage how much liquid you take in right before bed. Some find that drinking Peppermint or Chamomile tea helps to relax and breathe easier for a more whole nights sleep.

5. Eat Smart - try the rule of thirds

A really simple way to eat smart before your event is to divide your plate into thirds. 1/3 Carbs, Protein & Veg. If you're going to be working for a longer period of time, up your carbohydrate intake!
You can get some extra protein from our delicious KMC PRO MIX here.

(Take a screenshot if you'd like to save it)


Brand NEW KMC Action Pack - Try The Entire range (+New Superfood Bar) 

"A Great way to try the new products!" Fuel Your Body with Quality British Sports Nutrition. This little box is packed with ALL 10 of our products! That's 2 Energy Bars, 5 Energy Gels, 1 Isotonic Drink Powder, 1 Protein Powder AND the Brand New Natural Superfood Bar. PLUS, FREE DELIVERY. **Please Note, the Action Pack may arrive without the branded box**
Addtional Information: Now Includes the New Superfood Bar.

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Race Nutrition Pt.1 - Fueling right starts the day before