Hiking & Exploring

Hiking & Exploring

Everest Conquering Energy - Fuel for Mountaineers, Hikers, Explorers and Climbers

Hiking & Exploring Frequently Asked Questions FAQ's:

What should I eat on a hike?

Here's how to fuel your hike. Just as a car needs fuel to run efficiently, your body requires the right kind of fuel to tackle those mountain paths and rugged terrains.

Read our full guide: Tips for Sustained Energy and Enjoyment

Are there health benefits to Kendal Mint Cake?

Our Mint Cake is a rich source of quick energy, essential Electrolytes and B Vitamins, ideal for endurance activities. Remember, moderation is key!

How long can I store your Kendal Mint Cake?

Our Mint Cake boasts a substantial shelf life. Sometimes up to 18 months. However, for best results, always check the best-before date on the packaging

Does Kendal Mint Co. offer different flavours or varieties of Mint Cake?

Yes! Beyond our classic peppermint, we have a range of exciting flavours. Visit our collection on our website to explore them all.

How does Kendal Mint Co. craft its Kendal Mint Cake?

We merge tradition with modern techniques. Once you taste our Kendal Mint Cake, you'll understand the craft that goes behind each piece. Read our blog "How it's Made: Kendal Mint Cake" here.

What's the history behind Kendal Mint Co.’s Mint Cake?

While the tradition of Kendal Mint Cake dates back to the early 20th century, Kendal Mint Co. has infused modern flair with historical reverence, creating a mint cake beloved by many.

Where does Kendal Mint Cake come from?

Our signature Kendal Mint Cake is proudly rooted in Kendal, a town in Cumbria, England. It's a tradition we're honoured to continue.