Fuelling British Duathlon Success - with Ben Goodfellow - Kendal Mint Co®

Fuelling British Duathlon Success - with Ben Goodfellow


This weekend saw one member of Team KMC, Ben Goodfellow, take on one of their first big events of the season, the British Duathlon Championships. 

In an incredibly competitive field, it was a tough battle from start to finish at a relentless pace. Ben finished his first run in 4th position but by the time he got on the bike, he quickly pulled back into 1st.

Ben couldn't quite hold off the overall win, finishing in overall 2rd. He did however, take gold In the 25-29 age group category - Many congratulations Ben!

An incredibly strong start to the season following on from another 1st Place at the 2up Duathlon last weekend. Ben is definitely one to watch and Fuelled by Kendal Mint Co.

What was your fuelling strategy Ben? 

The "Between-the-hand" hydration system

 "I kept it simple. Pre-race I was sipping on KMC ISO MIX in a drink to stay hydrated and top-up my carbs from about 1-2 hours before.

About 30 minutes before starting I took a Caffeine Gel+ to top-up my energy stores, to aid my endurance and for an extra kick later on in the race.

On my first Run, 8.6km was over fast, it was very hard so I ended up having no time to fuel. 

When moving onto the bike it was important to start fueling early to restore the energy deficit after the 1st run. I use a "between the hand" hydration system that allows me to can take on energy while staying aero. It's basically a small aerodynamic tank which sits just under the handlebars, right where my mouth is naturally in the aero position. I mixed two KMC Energy Gels into 0.5L of water, this made it really easy to digest & the perfect volume and carbohydrate content for a 1hr bike effort. 

In the 2nd Run it was just a straight up 4.3km to empty the tank."

and what about your performance? 

"I was pleased to win my 25-29 age group & I also set a few PB's along the way. I was just one step down from last year but I put in such a better performance, going 4 minutes faster in a time of 1:34:25. It felt like a breakthrough performance on my part. Bring on more racing!"

Team KMC Ben Goodfellow Gold British Duathlon 2022 bike 1
Team KMC Ben Goodfellow Gold British Duathlon 2022 finish line
Team KMC Ben Goodfellow Gold British Duathlon 2022 bike 2
Team KMC Ben Goodfellow Gold British Duathlon 2022 run 1
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Fuelling British Duathlon Success - with Ben Goodfellow