Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do protein shakes improve recovery?

A: Protein is broken down into Amino acids by the body, which are important in facilitating the repair and rebuilding of muscle fibres after exercise. 

Every time you exercise muscle tissue is damaged and the extent of damage depends on the intensity and duration. This is actually the first key part of your adaptation to training. The second part occurs when your muscles begin to repair and rebuild, into leaner, faster and even stronger muscles. KMC PRO MIX is designed to help you recovery faster and train harder. With 21g Premium Whey Protein Concentrate designed to promote muscle fibre repair and adaption post exercise.

There are 4 other "Pillars" that form part of dietary recovery:

  • Carbohydrate - To replenish depleted energy stores and help synthesise Proteins to optimise your recovery.
  • Water – to replace fluid lost as sweat and to aid the process of glycogen storage in muscle (each gram of glycogen synthesised in muscle requires around three grams of water to 'fix' it in place;
  • Electrolytes – to replenish minerals lost in sweat (eg sodium, chloride, calcium, magnesium).

Read more about "Recovery 101: Why Protein is key to a successful athlete's diet" here.